I must confess to being a little hungover today. I blame the tiredness, not the bubbles! I managed to hand this unassuming looking pile of words in yesterday at the appointed time. I felt like it should be wrapped up with a giant bow, but no - I just plonked the three copies on my passenger seat and off I went.
Thank you so much to the kind people who have emailed well wishes over the last few weeks, it was most appreciated. Mum sent me such a lovely book as a congratulations gift. Some of you might have seen it already but I hadn't. I love Gwen's work and feel very inspired to try one of these small pieces myself sometime.
Not being able to sew for the last few weeks has been quite frustrating. I had to do some shopping to make up for it! I am a fan of Jen Kingwell which surprises me - I am not always in love with scrappy/fussy quilts. But I loved this pattern when I saw it and sent away for it. I have spent a very content afternoon working away quietly making my first block.